Thursday, October 3, 2019

You Need An Oil Change, This's The Explanation...

Question: Why do you need an oil change?
Engine oil is responsible for the proper functioning of the engine. A regular oil change of the vehicle extends the life of your engine significantly. Engine oil reduces friction between all moving parts of the engine. As the oil ages, it also does not lubricate the engine parts and can lead to increased wear and damage.
Fresh oil also absorbs and dissipates heat much better than old oil. The oil is also responsible for removing harmful particles from microscopic wear and transferring them to the oil filter. These particles tend to accumulate in the old engine oil and the oil does not absorb other wastes. Dirt and deposits continue to accumulate and can lead to increased engine wear. Even contaminated oil moves much slower and makes the engine run much harder. In the end, the old oil stops lubricating the engine and can cause significant engine damage and possible engine failure.

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