Sunday, September 29, 2019

Solve Mercedes E320 (1995) Heating Problem

I have a Mercedes E320 from 1995, the fan heater has given out and very little heat penetrates through the portholes.

There are several possible problems that cause a condition without heat. It does not indicate whether the coolant level in the engine has been checked. This must be done before continuing. If you have properly repaired your car, there should be no problems. Regarding the operation of the heater itself.

The second point to check is the backup. When it explodes, the fan and other elements of the heating system will not work.

Third, the fan does not work as you said. This can be caused by various elements, the control switch, the resistor pack, a block temperature sensor and a simple wiring. A Mercedes Benz repair manual is required for all test points in the wiring and for correct sensor reading.

Fourthly, if it is a temperature controlled unit, the thermal torque may not have detected the temperature.

You will find that all this requires adequate knowledge of how the system works.

It is best to take the car to an authorized MB dealer or to an excellent private store that knows about the MB heating controls on your MB model.

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